Friday, February 12, 2016

2-8-16 and 2-9-16 Lyft Ventures: First Rush Hour and First Full Day

Yesterday, I went on my first full time Uber drive... well, Lyft (to get my roommates a money bonus for a promotion). I want to figure out if Lyft or Uber makes more money, but for now, Lyft it is!

It is also today my 2 week a versary of being self employed. Making a schedule and abiding by it is definitely in my best interest, but I am starting to get hit up with some of the freelance roles I've applied for. I'm meeting with someone tomorrow to possibly serve samples at whole foods for snazzy pay. It's only a few hours, but it will be enough to help motivate me to organize my times. I went at morning rush hour (yesterday) for the first time ever too. I feel like a lot of my passengers want to talk to me, even at 6am. Some nice lady also told me about sitter city. I've been wary about doing babysitting gigs, but those would always be fun. I would never babysit an infant though because I've never changed a diaper. But yay money! I had stayed up all night prior to driving due to night owl mode kicking in. I started driving just before 6am and it was practically dead. Around 7, it started picking up. When it hit 9, I had dropped a passenger off at U of C (in Hyde Park) who was an academic advisor. She told me about her career, which it's fascinating to hear about everyone's career path. I definitely ran into a number of students who attended Columbia college as well. After I dropped that lady off, I had to run to the bathroom. Driving + needing to use the bathroom = stop at a McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's, Walgreens/CVS, or a large department/grocery store. 

I went to Mickey D's and got myself an egg white mcMuffin since I was hungry, don't feel like blowing too much money, and want to keep as healthy as I can. I had stayed up all night and needed 2 energy drinks. An hour later, I hit the road again, but no one was hitting me up. I drove in the loop, Wicker Park, River North, and was getting nothing. I was debating when I was going to go home and take a nap, I headed over by the United Center, and ended up getting a call. That call was shortly canceled. I then stopped at a gas station because my phone charger cord broke and I needed a snackie. Right after I went to the gas station, I was going to head down Damen and go home. I ended up turning the wrong way on Damen due to being too tired, which led me to getting a call. That call ended up taking me to Berwyn to take a lady to her new job at the local gas station. 

I've noticed I get calls from the following demographics mostly: people in their 20s and 30s, and people running a few minutes late to work or appointments. At least I'm not alone in the running late department. I've been there before. I ended up picking up a couple people in Lawndale after that, one of which took me back to Columbia college. At that point it was about 1 and I was ready to crash. I drove home, took a nap, and ate a little bit. I drove Wednesday night for a little bit before I went to the Heartland Cafe for an open mic nite, and ended up running into a man at the Red Line Tap who I didn't know. I approached him outside because he was smoking a cigarette and I was wondering which bar was still open after the Heartland Cafe closed. I ended up going inside and talking to the man for awhile because I am performing a show (telling an 8 minute story) at the Red Line tap on Monday and wanted to check out the venue. That man ended up needing a ride home, which I did. He ended up stopping at an Indian restaurant on Devon and Leavitt where the name started with a "G". He got me some chicken and curry noms (which I'm going to post a picture of). I love Indian food and was blessed. After my nap, I wanted to hit evening rush hour to get some extra dough before my karate class. I guess a lot of people wanted to go to Japanese restaurants too. I even met this man who was with his girlfriend who had the most adorable accent ever. He was trying to explain to his lady friend what racquetball was, as well as tell me what “Squash” was. I had never heard of it, so it was nice to learn something new. I also met a lady who owned her own spray tan business and was a full time flight attendant. She told me about red faced ex boyfriends who were hitting on their yoga instructors, as well as about her business and being a flight attendant. She gets to go to Cancun or international on her flights too. Haaaaaaayyyyy!!! I also met a man who worked at a Linkedin office in Chicago. I didn’t know they had any office here. I had also met a man who was looking for a free class to learn how to give massages to his girlfriend too. I ended up recommending him to a place I found online, as well as told him to hit up Groupon to take a couple’s massage class like I did with my last boyfriend. 

Time had flown by and it was time for me to go to my karate class. Two weeks into my self-employment ventures and I may be very stressed out in learning how to create and abide by a schedule, but I am much happier. The dead weight of being unhappy at my job is going away. I would walk into my karate class and one of my instructors would often either point out I looked like I had a chip on my shoulder when I’d walk into class or try to make me laugh. Now, I feel like constant giggle mcGiggle pants who can’t stop laughing and smiling while being my sparkly self. Don’t let my smile and giggles fool you, because the belt I wear on my waist is nice, shiny, and black! Muahahaha! I have also done yoga 3 times since my adventures and have began noticing my fitness results. I had always wanted to do yoga, but hadn’t been to a class in 3-4 years (since college) until 2 Wednesdays ago. The first class I went to, I feel like I cakewalked through the entire class, including the challenges. I generally don’t have that happen to me and it felt pretty incredible to feel like a natural at yoga while having very little actual yoga experience. I’ve always been flexible though and can do very high kicks in karate. I definitely don’t want to take that for granted. I have also been working on implementing more meditation in my life. I am starting to get some calls back for my freelance gigs, which is making me happy, and I am learning more about what it takes to me a successful and happy self-employed woman! For now, I will keep showering my passengers with unicorns and rainbows and hopefully be of some entertainment to people’s days! Happy Friday everyone :D 

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