Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2-8-16 and 2-9-16 Lyft Ventures: Rough Transitions

I am currently going on Lyft ventures because I need to get 50 rides in 30 days to make myself and my roommate 250 dollars. I will be driving for Lyft for now until I attain all 50 rides!

After a nice getaway to Michigan for a few days to take a break from life, I get back to find out my insurance didn't end when I was told it would end. I wanted to go drive, but had been in the car 3 hours and was also exhausted from the lack of sleep attained during the weekend. I also want to ensure I balance between making money and trying to get myself gigs, but have been struggling to get myself to go drive. I'm still nabbing residual money from my previous job and chopping off extraneous expenses from my current budget. I'm also needing to file my tax return and sell a bunch of large items, which will also yield me some extra money. At least my tax return for 2015 is all a W2, so no complicated crap as of yet. I got rid of my couches/entertainment center and now save myself almost 88 dollars per month. I have also just about paid 2 of my long term doctor's bills (I am 1 payment away from both of those being fully paid off and each bill is due in the next week or so). February is flying and January went poof. It's almost my birthday too and I haven't planned anything yet either. I just need to make sure I get done what I need to and make sure I give my time to myself instead of what isn't worth it/people who take my time for granted.

So far, I got back mid afternoon Monday, it's now Tuesday, and after a little bit of sleep, I've applied to a bunch of paid studies and various other gigs involving writing or some creative endeavor. I've been up for almost 3 hours, have thrown my name out all over the place,  I'm so used to doing all of these things during paid time and now it's quite the adjustment knowing I have to make the money instead of it "coming to me" and magically appearing in my bank account. Not going to work at a set time is still a bit wonky; that just means I need to set a schedule and treat it as if I'm going to work. I currently take karate 2 days per week and go to my "sword fighting practice" (search "Belegarth Medieval Combat Society" for more information) 1 day a week. I block time out for those, even those are events taking place at set times, so I guess I need to do that to make sure I get my butt out to my car and drive... well... after I FINALLY setup my seat covers and put down my leopard mats. I just better hurry up, get ready, and make sure I drive enough before my karate class tonight. Happy time budget Tuesday everyone!

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